August 30, 2009

Something about that site.

It was summer time in Shimla when the idea, to construct a portal which would somehow reflect our devotion to rock, in a way germinated. Honestly, we never thought about the shape and form which this novice idea would eventually acquire. All that we had in mind was an idea, an idea which would take us closer to the supernatural phenomenon called Rock music.
This site, folks, is not for those who thrive on dry facts and dead statistics. Rock is not about that. This site is also not an information database (we have wikipedia for it). The sole aim of this site, of this idea ,of this entire thought process is to assemble all the impressions about Rock music and galvanize them into something tangible and easily perceivable by those who plead ignorance when it comes to the various techniques of exploring this genre of music.
To unite the rock scene in the country , to give a concrete yet fluid mechanism via which the real meaning of rock can be explained. To stem out all theories which try to associate drug abuse with rock. These are in effect the humble objects of this site. Rockhangover is about waking up one morning to find yourself steeped in rock music , but of course you won't have to take lime juice to sweep way the hangover, what you'll need is a pint of Rock n' Roll!

August 26, 2009

A commendable initiative from the Government.

The union minister for agriculture is , in a way, a perfect example of incompetency and dejection. Or so I believed until the enlightened Indian media threw new light on the issue.
Aapke Khaane mein zeher hai!!!!!!!! is the tag line of this campaign which seeks to dissuade all of us from eating adulterated food items and dairy products( presuming of course that we were consuming them quite willingly and with knowledge of their contents) . The channels are however quite silent on the issue of identifying adulterated food and more importantly on how and where to find genuine and nutritious articles for daily consumption. For example, all the crops grown in the vicinity of Mumbai are unhealthy because they are irrigated with toxin infested water says news channel 1; all crops grown in and around Lucknow are not fit for human consumption for they have been subjected to malignant chemical treatment to give them that fresh and healthy look , says channel 2; the milk which many sip on to boost their immunity is actually coming out of a cauldron which contained urea, dye and artificial whiteners , says channel 76 ( I was quite happy to hear this because since childhood I have been raising my voice against the strange taste of the milk which was served to us twice a day, no one believed me then and put it down to my in born hatred for that drink, but now with all this documentary evidence coming up they can't help but side with me on the issue). So the defect of the matter is that no matter who you are and no matter where you live and no matter what you eat you are effectively consuming a certain amount of toxic wastes (depending upon you appetites ......Delhiites be warned) on a daily basis.
In view of these startling revelations , of course not for those who were involved in this affair, the government has now come up with an effective strategy to tackle this issue. To begin with , doubts are now being casted over the intentions of all those people who while they were in power promised to bring down the food prices and ensure that no one sleeps on an empty stomach. The C.B.I acting with it's characteristic expedience has even sketched a story that all those "Philanthropists were actually a part of the adulteration mafia and that this nexus goes way back to the times of Indira Gandhi when when the Green Revolution began. Many sources inside the government and outside it say that a committee has been set up( it shall be headed by bureaucrats) to investigate into the matter and submit a report stating why no steps were taken to snub the revolution and ensure that majority of the population goes to bed without having a morsel to digest.
The next important step to fight this menace has come from our ingenuous agriculture minister who by mismanaging the price control mechanism of food grains has ensured that many would be deprived of all these suspicious food items due to their high price . Only those who are foolish enough to spend exorbitant amounts on these venomous grains shall be the ones lying at the mercy of the mafia.
In an interview to a local news channel the minister said and I quote " Having discovered this conspiracy many years ago, it had become the sole aim of my life to increase the prices of all essential food items so that they are beyond the common man's reach. I understand that many farmers are committing suicide because of my move but please look at the larger picture; I am saving millions of people from consuming these pernicious products. What is more important?the lives of a few hundred (ok thousand) farmers who may have even connived with the adulterers or the millions sitting happily in in their homes waiting for the lady of the house to serve them their daily bread, not knowing that what they are actually consuming is poison."
I must say that after listening to this groundbreaking policy measure I have become a die hard fan of our government. After all what could have been a simpler way of stopping people from buying adulterated stuff than by crippling them financially and ruining their monthly budgets.
almost contemporaneously the government is reducing the prices of mobile phones and other luxury products so as to divert the public money to far safer substitutes ( unlike adulterated food, the harmful effects of mobile phones upon health have not been substantiated by any solid scientific evidence) .
Since this is technically recession time , the government is quite hopeful of further increasing food grains and other prices during inflation. Thus more people shall be benefited and prevented from consuming those poison Ivy's in the coming months.

These being decent enough measures for those who won't be left with enough money to spend on food and milk after having exhausted their savings on mobile phones and prescription drugs( genuine ones of course) the government is now focussing it's attention to all those people and classes where people earn enough to spend on all the above mentioned items without having to raise a loan. These people shall always be vulnerable to adulteration and hence the government is contemplating setting up compromise centres wherein the adulterers and the affluent public will meet weekly to decide upon the contents of that week's toxic materials and their % composition in the food stock. This, says a Senior bureaucrat, will help both the sides to resolve any differences as also allow the doctors to accurately diagnose any ailment caused due to impure food , as people would know beforehand what is being served to them. Conversations in clinics are most likely to go something like this- "No wonder my dear Sir, are you suffering from such and disease , after all you have been taking in too much urea of late. I would strongly advise to go for ABC food products , they use better quality and diluted urea . "
Not to stay behind in this war against adulteration the Consumer affairs ministry has asked all food grain suppliers, dairy milk producers and fake drug manufacturers to start displaying the % composition of all the chemicals, toxins, paints, dyes, fertilizers and filth used to produce their respective items.

Those working in corporate set ups are however not pleased with this system of weekly negotiations, because of their hectic work schedules. Hence many of them have sent a representation to the government asking it to provide online facilities to do the same. While many have gone as far as deciding not to buy these products and thrive on the frozen foods served by their cafeteria( blissfully ignorant of the fact that that pizza has been made by the local sweetmeat store).

Whatever may be the response to this scheme it is now certain that the government has found a a sure shot way of curbing this menace. As it turns out, all those 5 year plans which were filled with elaborate schemes to remove poverty and hunger , but failed miserably , may just even have worked in our favour.

No longer shall I criticize the Agriculture minister for attending B.C.C.I. MEETINGS , no longer shall I criticise the economists for being decorative pieces in a curiosity shop. This is because now I know that every time that I am denied a meal I am also being denied the opportunity to consume harmful substances in the shape of food grains.

August 25, 2009

From Θ to Π

Many humans with whom I have had anything to do in life, have a very cheerful air about them. From the moment they enter into something they become a part of it and start enjoying the experience of being a part of it. I cannot claim any such thing for myself. It takes me an awful long time to become a part of something so much so that when I am finally able to relinquish my fears and prejudices it is almost the end of my stay in that something. Consequently the only years when I do enjoy my stay in any institution are when I am at the fag end of my stay there.
After spending 10 years in the same school I finally began accepting my situation and it was only in the beginning of year 12 that I finally started enjoying going to school.
My father says that no matter how dark and sad your past may have been , the brain has a natural propensity to always remember all the happy moments which you may have experienced in your life, despite the general gloom around you. I don't know how far this statement holds good , but as far as I can remember my last year in school was a time of great strife and struggle and still I can claim that most of the memories from that time are sweet.
It all started withΘ and ended with П.

Rock is not about drugs

Ever since I was a kid ( and I am not an octogenarian as I write this) have I seen this slogan being telecasted , printed and aired on every possible media- SAY NO TO DRUGS! DON'T SMOKE! etc. etc. etc.  Well, for all those chain smokers , drunkards and drug abusers out there , I have just two words - CARRY ON ! It's just that there is a little problem here , a small but real problem. Unless you are a Syd Barrett or Robert Plant or anyone related to those figures you may very well end up in a state owned Rehab. facility located on the outskirts of an obscure locality where sewage and drinking water share the same source and where food is not important for you'll be busy vomiting out truckloads of shit which you so religiously ingested over the years under the intoxicating effect of adolescence, youth and "Rock music"....did I get it right was it Rock music...yes it was . Iam pretty sure that when you first sniffed a drug it was because Kurt Cobain( God bless his soul) personally handed you the stuff. I really hand it to you guys, the only thing which Cobain handed out to me was a headache when he entered the MTV studio in New York without taking a bath. Any ways I surely am glad for all of you who feel that Rock music has something to do with drugs. After all every drug peddler needs to earn his living, that poor fellow shall die of hunger and frustration if people stop being gullible and injecting themselves with that cool stuff. I would have joined you in your exploration but I for one care more for that highly overrated commodity called good health. Someone once said (somewhere around 1200 A.D. ) in Arabia: That if you have health you have hope, and if you have hope you have everything. Unless hope is the name of a drug I think the message is quite clear. By the way that guy surely knew how to enjoy his music , though it may only have been a few Arabs playing a tambourine after gulping down a glass or two of  fresh camel milk.

Don't let the covers distract you Sir.

First impression is the last last impression. This has to be the most overused line in the history of behavioural sciences. Also , it is one of the most erroneous ones when it comes to picking up the best deal from the lot. Often the things which you repel you when you look at them first turn out to be the gems among the whole pile. I repeat 'often' for there are many things which are as pathetic as their first look signifies.
The image of rock as something more serious and heinous has always been a topic of discussion among the young followers of this phenomenon. No band has done more to promote this image than Iron Maiden not because they were repulsive to look act but because of their outrageous album covers and also their mind boggling fan base.
Iron Maiden makes music which is marked by innate energy and pump. The band always goes out for the kill. Be it in drumming, guitar play or vocals Iron Maiden's music never fails to enthrall the listener. The only thing which takes something away from the band(and it's fans may kill me for slighting them) is the conspicuous absence of variety and as some may call it finesse.
The band is undoubtedly Hard rock's most illustrious representative having brilliance recorded at various times in their long career.

The reason why this article may end up being short is that their music warrants so. You either love them or can't relate to them. Either ways you can't take away anything from the band who's fan following is sufficient to remove any doubts from anyone's mind regarding the stature of this veteran Rock act.

Sammy recommends:

Songs: Be quick or be dead, Hallowed be thy name, Killers, The ides of march-wrathchild, to name a few.
It is a serious advice that if you like even one of the above mentioned songs please make it a point to try out the entire album , it's worth it.

Put the fork on the right side.

The fork as a tool for devouring meals is hardly an Indian implement. You don't require a three pronged fork to properly eat any staple Indian food. Inspite of this we all as a race have indeed been benevolent to the fork and now any excursion to any restaurant, irrespective of the cuisine it serves or professes to, brings us to a well laid table with the cutlery essentially loaded with knives and forks .
Laying the table is one thing and using those items another. To my bewilderment I have discovered that the people actually use forks to eat traditional Indian dishes. More over, South Indian food is now looked upon as something which cannot be consumed without a knife to cut the the Dosa and a fork to poke into the Idli. I always find myself at a loss when it comes to eating south Indian food with forks and knives. Having said that , dosas and idlis still can be comfortably eaten with forks and all but would somebody care to tell me as to how can anyone possibly eat those deep fried paranthas from Punjab with forks. But I have seen people do that. I mean even the fork would be wondering that for what unearthly purposes am I being put into use. Why should a fork be used to eat paranthas. There is nothing wrong or right about having Indian food with western implements but then should we also bring table manners into this.
All said and done , does all this even matter when we look at the bigger picture. The moral of the story is that while eating put the fork on the right side, i.e. the left side which is the right side.

August 24, 2009

The Fountain - Head

I don't know why, when, how or who was ingenuous enough to have undertaken the task to scratch the 'C' from every inscription titled " Clover construction" engraved on cement benches to accomodate the tired bottoms of hard working students. It must have been quite painstaking but the effort produced the desired result, which means that 1 out of every 3 individuals observed the work of art and almost every body forgot it the very next moment for it represented the most striking example of unoriginality . Honestly the whole show wasn't actually invidious , only a little low on genuine humour.
After attending our lectures for the day which ended at say around 10 a.m. or 0010 hours , we used to head out to a spot which was quite strategically located in the college premises. Since none of us had anything better to do , except for of course watching a movie or going to a new eatery to order and eat the same old things, we all decided to make that spot our "place of zen" as one of us later called it( God knows why) .
There is a rather long cemented enclosure ( painted with colours which do not match with anything else on the premises) which contains a couple or more of small taps supposed to eject water at the appropriate time so as to be called a fountain.
It is another thing that those devious little truants never actually splashed a drop of that liquid , at least not when when we were around them. Some hostelers do tell me tales of them fountains being really beautiful when they do work, which happens quite rarely ( giving Hailey's comet a run for it's money). The last time when anyone saw them behaving as they technically should, was when a committee of a few persons had come over to our institution to accredit it. I think they liked the fountain , after all we were given the highest grade available on the platter.

Anyways, this fountain(which is not actually one) is not important per se, but becomes so because of the topographical features it gives rise to , quite inadvertently of course, on the premises. Firstly it creates a semi-circular track of sorts for vehicles to ply on, including those which should not have entered the gate in the first place. I never could understand as to why the guard who was supposed to man the gate always stood on the exit end of the semicircle and not the entry point. But why not? After all it is far easier to collect the parking fee when people leave than to be continuously worried about someone making a slow motion yet non-stationary circumlocution of the semi circle to perform an errand. The fountain also served as natural compass for all those who pretended that they were quite lost when it came to finding the lecture halls or the library. To the north of the fountain's top most tip lay the college library and reading room. It is quite interesting to note that at any point of time the number of people who were standing outside the library was always equal to or greater than the number of people inside them. Most of them(who stood outside ) were actually those fellows who had taken a break from their intense research work to attend a call from someone who was standing outside the cinema hall getting confused whether or not to take the platinum row for the evening show of a movie which no one was sure about (qualitatively).
To the fountain's left lay the ladies parking which always bore a deserted look.beyond it was the Sports field which fielded God knows who, for whatever they were they weren't students from our college.
To the fountain's right was the college canteen. Always swarming with people. For as long as I can remember providing it with a permanent roof never quite made it to the priority list of the college authorities. It's yellow coloured tarpaulin roof added colour to the college premises.

Needless to say ( And specially if you have been to a legal drafting lecture where a sale deed was (badly)drafted) to the south was the public road. Quite busy. We managed to witness many incidents on that road, ranging from minor accidents and major brawls to well intentioned peace processions where 98765432 candles were wasted to support something which no one really had any idea about.
So the question is....where did we place ourselves to observe all this and much more? For it was to explain our den's location that the fountain was brought into the picture. Before I go on to describe that location and please it's not a secret hideout , let me briefly and without breaking the vow of anonymity present you with the ingredients of " we". We were a group of 7 persons, human beings if you like. 3 of us belonging to the fairer sex ( no racist intent). All were comparatively free creatures , none hard pressed with any impending deadline. This was because of different reasons to be sure. While the females had utilized 4 of their 5 years quite fruitfully and hence could afford to relax a little, the same could not not be said for the others who had always managed to cheat work and other such organisms by adopting a cynical attitude towards labour and ambition. Ok I admit it, I was the the most indolent specimen out there or may be the only . Whatever it was the bottomline is that for most part of the final year we spent majority of our free time sitting on a rather long low and flat pedestal which supported nothing and at best marked the semicircular track's boundary. That was it , that was our Fountain head. And it did harbour us in pretty rough times.

August 23, 2009

Thrashing out all the trash

The contents of this review owe their presence to my brother ( yes the same chap who's into guitars and bought that guitar self help book), who introduced me to a band which calls itself " METALLICA". I first felt that the band's name was too cliched . But then I realized that whatever we call trademark metal stuff today was actually the result of a groundbreaking musical movement of the 80's and Metallica was the pioneer. Interestingly unlike other pioneers who soon get eclipsed by their successors , Metallica grew as a music phenomenon at an unbelievably fast pace .

I f you ask me that " Dude , tell me ...what is this Band's music like?"
I would simply answer" Please don't call me dude and go listen to Battery followed by a extra helping of Ride the Lightning "

Sadly, my job permits me no such latitude and hence I can't be terse. So here follows a little something on one of the most closely knit units which the rock world has seen in the age of Music vandalism carried out by pop music and videos.

Metallica's music does not reflect richness in variety. In a way that is it's USP. Metallica's tracks are easily recognizable . Hetfield voice lends a heavy touch to the band. Metallica's success is chiefly attributable to their age old policy of sticking to the basics and strengths. A legendary bassist, Ferocious riffs, typical thrash drumming all contribute to Metallica's die hard fan following. Metallica is surely Rock's face from the 80's .
Metallica also holds the distinction of being the only band who's music never showed signs of softening up time. In fact St. Anger will have to go down as the band's hardest work after the masterpieces from the 80's.
It shall be quite improper if I don't talk about Metallica's exploits in the area of softer and slower ballads like "Nothing else matters " etc. Undoubtedly these songs prove that Metallica knows the essence of rock.
Personally, I am not into Thrash metal and stuff but the baNd's creative sincerity has wheedled out of me a lavish and decorative review of this band's work; but I must say Metallica deserves every bit of this praise.

Sammy recommends:

out here my choice of songs and albums may differ a little due to reasons stated above:

albums: Ride the lightning , Load ( I regard it as the Band's best album )
songs: Battery, Fade to black, Bleeding me and almost all the tracks from Load.

Happy thrashing folks!

Deep as it gets.

My affair with Rock music started on a cold December day when I listened to what would turn out to be my first Rock song, which was "Smoke on the water performed live in Oslo, Norway " By a band called Deep Purple.

My first reaction when I finished listening to the track was : "Oh! God! This is what I always wanted in my music" I won't be exaggerating( though people say I often do that) if I say that I may have rewinded and played the tape at least a score of times to really swallow the enormity of the spectacle.
The fact that it was a much quicker interactive performance added to the song's instant charm. Later I discovered that the Band 's music revolved around this maddening fanaticism for bold stage overtures , theatrics and an equal or far greater intensity in their music.
Blackmore was a Genius, Gillan a romantic , Paice the foundation. The Band has had around 5 lineups. But none of this has dented it's credibility as an unrelenting rock machine over the years.

Through and through a Hard rock act , the band stands out for it's slower and more melodic compositions. Black night, Smoke......, Mistreated, Lay down stay down, The mule etc are classics.

As a band Deep Purple can't claim too high a status, probably because of Blackmore's infamous superciliousness which led to a chronic recurrence of rifts in the Band 's extended history. As musicians though, Deep Purple was a rich storehouse.
The Band's music reflects a great degree of variation and variety. All albums produced in the 1980's for eg. are a clear departure from the Band's material from the early 70's. Interestingly of all the bands which originated in the glorious 60's Only Deep Purple managed to register those subtle changes in their style which helped them to merge with the decade in which they found themselves.

For all those who are new to the rock scene I would suggest a crash course of sorts in which the newcomer ought to listen to at least 3 songs from each of the Band's albums till date. This will be a good foundation for anyone who wishes to appreciate the origins and transition of Hard rock as a genre.

Sammy Recommends:

albums- Machine head, Nobody's Perfect, California jamming ( vocals by Coverdale), Abandon.
songs- Smoke on the water, Mistreated, You fool no one, The mule, Fingers to the bone, Knocking at your backdoor, Black Night......frankly the list is endless...tragically I haven't found a "best of" collection album as yet which covers the essential sound of this Band.

Creedence Clearwater Revival- The soul of Rock

Around two years ago I was browsing through a "Learn your self- The Guitar guide book". The book's title cover showed a man who resembled Jesus in in his outward appearance holding a guitar in his hand with a strange pheasant like expression on his face as if to say "Sonny make my Day, buy this book; it's worth it "

After this rather interesting but not by any means encouraging start my brother who is into this whole guitar thing decided to give it a shot and shelled out a substantial amount on the Book( substantial because the book according to us both wasn't really worth it !).
Well after purchasing it came the next step was to go through it and as I was saying earlier that two years ago I undertook this task to browse through that Guitar guide book. My eyeballs quickly scanned the contents page to see the likes of Led zeppelin , deep purple , nirvana on the sample notes page.
Cutting to the chase ,one name appeared at an alarming frequency . It was a name which I hadn't heard before. But a name I would never forget after that. CCR.

It took me a week to find out the full form of this rather dubious acronym. On the seventh day Google told me : Son what the heck are you doing? it's CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL for God's bloody sake.
Never in my life (and I am no Noah) have I come across a band with mindboggling fan following, painfully simple musical philosophy and no bull shit.
Listen to " Bad Moon Rising" ; the track is a classic example of all those virtues. Simple to play, simple to follow and simple to digest. This my friends if I can call you that , is the essence of rock n' roll.
This does not however mean that the band lacked lyrical depth . To remove your doubts I would like to recommend two songs worth their salt:
Born on the bayou
fortunate son
Both cover different issues . One is a country boy's cauldron of emotions while the other is a brilliant satire shot at all those " fortunate sons around"

I in particular love born on the bayou because of it's southie touch and vocals.

Anybody who wants to go neck deep into the world of rock cannot do so without giving CCR a patient hearing.
Their songs reflect the purity of rock which all the progressive rock bands of the 60's and 70's lack.

Sammy Recommends :

The Chronicles of Creedence Clearwater Revival (Vol. 1 and 2)

Go buy the set. Ya, torrents are available . Piracy is a crime but it suits one's pocket.

August 22, 2009


Last month when I was vacationing in Delhi I saw an American feature film named Gran Torino.
It wasn't a politically correct film. Steeped in racism and loaded with profanities the writer of the movie minced no words in expressing the feelings of the characters . I once came across a writing by Braithwaite who declared that racism is for real, but a better way to deal with it would be to slap the victim in the face than to slander and snub him hypocritically.
The movie perhaps took Braithwaite's word for good.
Racism as we have come to define it is any act by which we discriminate against any person who differs from us in his racial origins. Just stop and examine this sentence. Discrimination is the most important word there. While talking about racism we should not get confused . Racial discrimination is wrong , racial differentiation is natural.

The reason why children from the same age group are taught together in class , the reason why People from one community prefer to mingle with other persons from the same community is that we feel more comfortable with those who are like us in may respects. When we move to a higher scale then intellectual similarities overtake religious , sexual and social barriers when it comes to interacting with people.
Racial differentiation occurs because of ignorance , discrimination because of a logically consistent theory which propounds the supremacy of a race.

So whenever we talk of racism we should classify the activity into one of the above mentioned two categories. Racial differentiation can be cured by simply improving the scene so as to make it more congenial for inter racial social intercourse. Racial discrimination is that activity which poses a real threat to the creation of a such a congenial atmosphere.
To eradicate discrimination we have to attack the psyche of those who believe in the theory of racial superiority. Now comes the tricky part. Racial discrimination can be partly eradicated by increasing inter racial social intercourse which in turn may not be possible due to the stubborn and self-righteous attitude governing those who are to be targeted.
The solution to this diabolical problem lies in convincing the racists that what they actually detest is not the race but the social as well as individual characteristics exhibited by a person belonging to a particular community,group or religious sect.

Secondly , we can also tackle this problem by talking about it more openly. Direct confrontations are in all likelihood better when it comes to dealing with this issue than a hushed up take on the issue where discrimination takes place but it is considered a taboo to talk about it as if it is a fictitious monster.

What is heartening is that majority of the cases which we take for racist incidents are actually instances of racial differentiation varying in degree and seriousness.

Thus we should all come out with our beliefs and views no matter how racially charged they are. If you are a racist at heart then the only way to escape injury (both physical as well as mental) from it is by expressing yourself boldly and trying to convert your ailment of racism into merely racial differentiation.

On The Fashionable Nuances of Our Times.

Fashion is like a whirlpool of a thousand ideas which tends to take in and swallow every mortal who swims it's way. Mind you fashion has got nothing to do with morality or immorality. Yes I agree that Fashion sometimes gets a little vulgar, but then what does not? everyone, me ,you, the pastor who lives across the street, the priest who prays in the temple, even Rakhi Sawant was vulgar at some or the other time in life. What's the big deal? vulgarity reminds us of the importance of decency. If there were no reality shows around to cross the limits of absurdity and redefine the boundaries of ridiculousness do you think we would have ever been able to appreciate the fact that in spite of all that it was The Bold and The beautiful was indeed a sensible show? I admit that even after following it for ten years no one could figure out who fathered whom in the show, but then believe me it is better to be entangled in the web of imaginary incestuous relationships than to tolerate the highly intellectual debates between Aman Verma and Negar Khan.

Coming back to fashion(although vulgarity in itself is quite a remarkable topic for discussion) I would like to say something about the Film Industry of India and it's invaluable contribution to the world of fashion. No one can deny the technical and creative brilliance exhibited by our costume designers over the years. I for one, cannot get that image out of my impressionable mind where Amitabh Bachchan sported a jet black suit garnished with 4 volt bulbs all blinking and shining away to glory. Nor can can I ever forget Rishi Kapoor's endless line of sweaters which he wore irrespective of the season or the terrain in which they were shooting. Still fresh in my memory are those frilled skirts worn by the leading ladies of the 90's where it was hard to judge as to who was looking cheaper, the actress(if you can call her that) with her voluptuous smile or the skirt with unbelievably loud embroidery.
Among the most exquisite and adventurous experiments in the field was the one carried out in the legendary saga " DHARAM VEER"
For the benefit of the reader I would like to postulate the creative genius displayed by the costume designer of that movie:
1. Dharmendra is shown as a roman gladiator with strap shoes and a single piece frock.
2. Jeetendra is a 18th century English noble man who was in love with Frenchwomen and hence wears a cross of the two attires.
3. There is Neetu Singh who quite gracefully covers herself up with medieval middle eastern outfits.
4. The queen looks like a character straight out of an unpublished J.K Rowling comic book.
5. The list is just about to get over when suddenly Zeenat Aman steps in dressed as Red Sonja (of course not exposing to the extent which Bridgitte Nielsen did)

I mean I am a great lover of art(except modern and clip) and appreciate creativity but would someone care to tell me that which period in history did the movie seek to cover.
It's as if the costume designer stepped into the dressing room of "Benhur" and came out of the lounge room of the " The Three Musketeers", to go straight to watch the red carpet premier of Harry Potter and The Half Hearted fart.

In a way the movie was a good history lesson. Lets us now scrap all those boring " what did they wear" sections from the history books and substitute them with a CD of DHARAM VEER( a signed club from Dharamendra free).

Moving away from the movies which have done more than anybody ever could to demean the civilized man; let's talk about the role played by the fashion designers and their guinea pig models in shaping the fashion of the times.
Please don't get distracted by their accent they all barely managed to pass the higher secondary school examination( and I've heard many of them had already bribed the flying squad).
There was a time, and I am not referring to the time before Christ, when designers tried to design something which could be worn in public. Of course now that time and practice is passe'.
The sole aim of each designer now is out do the faggot next door when it comes to breaching the lines of sanity and propriety. All the designers I have come across resort to two ancient practices and devices to sell their products.
1. bare it all
2. wear it all

The thing is that almost all of these designers have a doubtful sexual orientation. I f by any chance God gifts them clarity they deliberately adopt a certain attitude as to infuse doubt into the mind of the onlooker regarding their true colours( i mean in a non-sexual sense).
when they see that the sales are dwindling and the trp's
falling they say" Bare It All"
When they see that the consumer is now fully under their intoxication they command" Wear it All" which means wear anything they serve: leaves for skirts, gold plated lingerie, Sheep skin shoes, (though I must say most of them are members of PETA), backless shirts, strapless swimwear, faded torn jeans etc.
Oh yes there is one form of design which always is in vogue: The almost series
eg. The OVIO summer wear collection which ALMOST covers the private parts
A &B 's winter collection which ALMOST serves the purpose.
R's autumn collection which ALMOST falls off when the model walks on the ramp
Y's swimwear collection which ALMOST looks like something.
W's natural theme collection where one ALMOST cries out aloud to be spared from the torture
Alas the ALMOST series is too big to get all the place it actually requires here.

But fashion is not just about what we wear but how we wear it. Till last year, for example, almost everyone I knew who sported Tight jeans or loose ones , tied them way below the waist so as to give the appearance that the fellow is just about to visit the loo and is preparing for it or has just returned from from it and has forgotten to properly zip up the thing.

Fashion ladies and gentlemen is no longer a secondary item on the budget it is now an industry where new means are devised everyday to trick the unsuspecting victims into buying something which will look good on them if they undergo a plastic surgery, a botox procedure, some liposuction and of course Three months of regular gyming in the local super rich elite gymnasium with a sensuous gym instructor who is always ready to show you how it's done.
All said and done I don't think Fashion is really a waste of time after all. For it is much better to spend hours admiring the unisex Capris than watching Barkha Dutt vomit out stale intellectual anecdotes and Mr. XYZ from South Delhi agreeing "completely " with her.

Peeping inside the Modern Tourist's psyche

What does a tourist want ?
This question has troubled me ever since I grew old enough to be troubled by such questions.
Although many years have passed since that question first cropped up in my then inquisitive mind, the answer is still as illusive as it then was .
Initially I believed people came to Shimla to feast on the snow. When snowfall became an uncertain event, I decided that may be it's the cool weather which attracts them. Never once did it come to my my mind that may be they have come to enjoy nature. It's not my fault you see, that this idea didn't show up in my research. After all how many tourists do you you actually see enjoying mother nature as it resides . Every tourist spot eventually becomes famous for the street food served there. If not that then in places like Shimla, where nature is in abundance and where virtually every view is panoramic, ridiculous guided tours are made and points counted to complete an excursion.
I once had the privilege of evesdropping on a father son duo who were in midst of a philosophical debate. the son says" all mountains look the same" the father says" no, that one has some quality, after all it is mentioned in this in this brochure"
this is the state of things as they exist. Every weekend loads of tourist come up to Shimla to do God knows what.
Over the course of time many local shops and eateries have closed down and in their place have come up all those multinational food chains and apparel chains. It would really seem ridiculous if A tourist should travel 1000 miles to eat in a subway on a hill station.
The local cuisine, culture and manners are fast dying. What's even more worrying is that people have no problems with the demise of their unique culture.
A trip on the mall road is sufficient to convince one on the point that everybody out there is a clone. The tourists are looking for non-existent delights.
Tourism is now becoming a self destructive movement.
and I still don't know why tourists throng to Shimla if not for Shimla as it is.

August 21, 2009

Ode to ILS

Our day starts at 5 in the morning
when the sky hasn't still turned blue
While the people are sleeping or Yawning
We start our day all grand and new.

3 hours into the day
and we are free for good;

we are free to do what we want to,
not free to do what we should.

struggling against the traffic
we reach home much sooner than noon.

for those who have 12 hour work schedules
we are quite out of tune.

back in the room there's no power
so we sit with sweat and in heat
we won't have a cold shower
so without freshening up we eat.

and thus comes the evening and darkness
we all step out on the road,
it looks we are being driven like cattle
being hit by a specially made goad.

finally it's time to sleep
only to wake up at 5 the next day

it's not that we our smitten by this life
but we won't have it any other way.

Let's Start From The Beginning.

Almost a week after it was received, was I informed of it's arrival. Better late than never, they say, in retrospect I can only mull over that day when , at the 11th hour was I given the information which would lead to a series of events all directed and guided by the supreme human desire to appease everyone including oneself in every possible way and to the greatest extent.

Before I commence the tract fully, I would like to say something about the people of Delhi. And when you talk about the people of a place you automatically have to talk about the weather. Like Delhi's weather the people out there also exhibit extreme emotions , surprisingly all at one time.
The word contradictory does not apply here for these emotions seem to compliment each other very well(to my dismay). They are short tempered and tall ordered. Warm and cold. Detached and indulgent. In an AC NIELSEN survey they were rated as the most street smart people residing in any city in thew world( 1/3rd of the Delhiites who fit this criteria can be found loitering around in the corridors of the parliament)

By the way that survey thing was a joke.

Like all humans and for that matter living organisms, even the Delhiites are concerned about their well being, it is but another thing that invariably their embellishment means the pro rata spoliation of their neighbours (the word should be given a liberal construction).

In the sweltering heat of June did I find myself brushing shoulders with these street smart people who in spite of themselves out did each other in pushing me to the back of the queue and convincing me that I was not meant for the streets.(something which I took for a compliment)

Fortune favors the brave and success comes running to those who persevere . I can't see how this applies to our story here, but at the time when I was writing it it sounded good. Hence why bother deleting it.

Had I stayed in Delhi and taken admission there may be I could have devoted and would have devoted an entire chapter to the people of this great city, but as fate had already intervened I found myself sitting in a Sahara air carrier bound for Pune , a day after I received the information that a law college there had shortlisted me for admission .

What I call the beginning is thus the time which starts running when I landed in Pune all ready and set to spend the next five years of my earthly life there.

Nested in the pristine and serene environment of the law college hill lies The I.L.S. Law college.
Primarily it is a happy hunting ground for all morning walkers; The college timings are quite unique , for when people commence their journeys from home to office the students of this prestigious college can be seen packing their portmanteaus ( if they brought one in the first place) to start a similar trip , only towards their homes or p.g. s, as applicable.
To be sure the day for the students of this college starts only when the college ends. This gives them not only the latitude but also the conviction to embark upon various paths and journeys relating to extra curricular exploits and amusements.
During my stint at this legendary institution I personally witnessed students completing 101 diplomas, certificate courses, language courses , higher degrees all quite comfortably and without breaking a sweat, during the semester and after it. It is but another thing that there were many candidates who got so excited by this prospect of adding to their qualification that they ended up missing the law exams or failing in them due to the pending workload brought about by their various allied pursuits.
Although it reflects quite poorly upon me, I would not shy way from declaring that in those five years(yes it was a five year course) I managed to avoid any such constructive activity and devoted myself entirely to the ardent adulation of existential concepts like loneliness, depression and the like which often mark the lives of those who have nothing to do and a lot of time to do it in.
When I first entered the college I had a rather limited vision when it came to the legal profession. Since I had entered the course by chance and not choice I could also not boast of nurturing and entertaining fantastic aspirations regarding my growth in this particular field.
It is another thing that my limited vision completely fizzled out by the time I reached the final year, in spite of the fact that not a single person I came in contact with outside the college , failed to impress upon me the bright avenues linked with the legal profession in these days of harmonious litanies.
True to my shy and indolent nature I was pathetically slow and infirm when it came to socializing and hence even at the end of Two full years(or as some of my more progressive colleagues put it four semesters) I could hardly call any single soul in the I.L.S law college compound my friend. I had many acquaintances, all on amiable terms. Some say that it was because of my monstrous moustaches that I could not break into the social circle. I would beg to differ( not on the monstrous moustaches point, yes they were indeed gigantic) on that point , for if anything which could have brought a shy guy like me into any group , it would have had to be something so striking as those preposterously thick and long moustaches( not to mention unkempt).
I would now like to move the scene to The beginning of the third year when slowly( as slowly can be) I started finding a few fellows with whom I began " hanging around"( no pun intended)

As it often happens, courage and creativity develop in solitary settings but can only germinate and ripen when one is in the company of fellow human beings and the society at large.

My shy and bashful nature could now find an outlet for expressing it's inner most desires on almost every issue available.
It is rather ironic that the first issue which presented itself to me was regarding something which occupies the imagination of each every individual at least four times a day.

Our college was designed by someone who was quite fascinated by the prospect of providing the passers by with adequate opportunity to peep inside the lavatories and feast upon the site of the male species urinating.
Had females been equipped by The Creator to pee in the same way as the males this would have been equally true for the female lavatories also. But as things stand, Females have been forced to urinate behind closets from times immemorial , some say to preserve their modesty, others say to prevent the male species from exhibiting crude animal like behaviour.

Luckily, not many individuals are interested in exploring the interiors of the lavatories ( at least by peeping in) . I however cannot afford to be so presumptuous when it comes to males , who have had folklore written in their names whenever they have been able to make an adventurous excursion to the female lavatory's precincts.
It came to me more as an epiphany than anything else. It so happened that while a person was busy relieving himself he could be watched by two sets of onlookers: ones who were going to the lecture hall( through he strategically place window) the others who were waiting in a queue lined up before the administrative office right in front of the obtuse angled door to the lavatory.

Luckily this revelation dawned upon me when I wasn't inside the rest room myself. Though it cannot be denied that it was due to the continuous and persistent feeling of good natured disgust
that the roots of the toilet committee took shape.

Before proceeding further let me just give the reader a brief insight into the plan and layout of the whole arrangement . We had two sets of rest rooms. One in the library block, the other in the academic block. Both these rooms for both the sexes were so designed that everyone could get a clear view of what was going inside them. For reasons mentioned earlier , the females were protected from the public gaze, but the same didn't hold true for the unfortunate males who were subjected to this humiliation and discomfort daily. I won't deny that some males drew pleasure out of the whole thing. But that percentage was quite small as compared to those who genuinely wanted to do something about the unacceptable situation.

Since the toilet block had only recently been renovated the college authorities were more than happy with whole arrangement. After all , why should the students be bothered about who is watching them.....this is India where privacy is is an alien concept.

As far as the female toilets in the library block were concerned they were located just next to the book issue counter. May be the designer saw a poetic angle in this.

On a wet monsoon day ( urghh.....) me and a group of my now closer acquaintances (totally five in number) formed an informal association called the toilet committee so as to scientifically analyse the situation and then approach the authorities to rectify the same.

This whole idea was initially marked by subdued embarrassment for obvious reasons. Those who were quite comfortable talking about much more sensitive issues conveniently failed , neglected,avoided, refused infinitum (long live legal drafting) to sympathise with us and our cause. To bring credibility to the whole thing I even tried to fit in Labour laws to justify our demands. Ridiculous as it may seem this move did work, as the bright and legally aware students of the college who till then were looking upon the whole thing as a joke now began to see sense in the movement( what a joke).

After campaigning for our primal rights for most part of the semesters mostly through(as they later proved to be ) ineffective methods like meetings and discussions we were able to gather 10 people to support our cause. As for the rest , may be they relished the thought of being the objects of everybody's affection or really trusted their fellow students' maturity levels.

Those were days when my stay in Pune was unbelievably short and i was always on the look out for any circular which would announce the commencement of various vacations,( we had a preparatory leave which was longer than the actual vacations).

The plan was to moot our proposal which involved a massive structural overhauling of the current arrangement before i left for the


Last day of the 10th semester exams

As I close the zipper on my faded jeans( not washed for the last 2 months) my instinct tells me that there are about 34 students standing outside who have a clear view of me and hence can easily embarrass me. the scene is the same throughout the length and breadth of the college wherever the rest rooms are located. While i was packing my stuff to bid farewell to Pune I had come across that very morning a piece if paper which bore the names of the magnificent 5 who were the esteemed members of the I.L.S. TOILET COMMITTEE.