It is always too hot, too cold, too dry, too wet, too long, too short , too imperfect to be labelled as any single season.
The summers for example often take up the time allotted to Spring and then themselves get vanquished by the rains which if they do appear often eclipse Autumn as well and if they don't , well then we have a "too long" spell of summer . Both spring and autumn for that matter , being the more tolerable seasons , never infringe anybody's space or right thus shortening their stay on earth. Many people would rather have them play truant and invade summer time and winters, and monsoons than be fictitious gentlemen in an ungentlemanly game.
Winter , of late has made up a lot of ground in our country. Traditionally a region tormented by heat, the cold has emerged as the next best tormentor with fog, frost and no sun marking the winter months. Winters however rarely take up other's time .
Then of course we have another issue here. If it rains well we have floods waiting in the docks, if it rains moderately we have drought licking it's lips, if it rains heavily the crop gets destroyed , if it rains lightly the landslides surface. Another thing, the fact that one part of our country is receiving normal rainfall does not mean anything in context of another part. In fact floods and drought are often observed i the same academic year.
In Shimla, the situation is quite exciting as well. In summers there is wager shortage due to scarcity of precipitation, during rains there is water shortage due to silt deposit upsetting the power stations' belly. In winters, the water freezes. Now I can hardly wait for a new season to come up and solve our water crisis.
Weather it seems has taken one step forward and is now mirroring the image of the havoc we have reeked upon our environment.What with failed climate conventions and mindless consumption of precious resources it won't be long before seasons give way to calamities and we associate months not with seasons but water shortage, drought, flood and repentance.
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