October 8, 2009


I don't know why I started shaving (or may be I do)
but the fact is that I hate shaving.Every third day when I face the mirror it shows
the emergence of facial hair.I get concerned but do nothing about it.
After a day or two I don't have to look in the mirror to confirm my fears
that a beard has grown in the place of those infant hair because not only can I feel it but also the look from my mother puts to rest any doubts on the issue.
I don't fear it's growth per se but I hate it because it's arrival also brings along the pious moment when I would be coerced into shaving. Normally I shave once a week although many have told me that daily shaving is the way to go the mere thought of picking up the brush on a daily basis to soften the beard and then to wash the blade and use it on your innocent skin.
For me shaving even once in a week is such a cumbersome activity that it
forces me to acquire a rather serious and to some extent irritated countenance
whenever I have to prepare for that ordeal.
Shaving is so unnatural but I don't know why people associate virtue with it.
They feel that those don't who don't shave (I am talking about those who like me don't want either a full beard or a clean shaven face due to the inconveniences posed by both of them) are people of shoddy moral values and of an incorrigible indolent disposition. The fact is both these things especially the latter is true to a great extent but then you can't generalise.
Shaving is a waste of time and resources(both natural and man made) if done periodically. If however it is left to the whims and fancies of the individuals it would lead to the holistic growth of the society as well as the hapless individuals like me who till this point have been at the wrong end of the barrel.

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